9-1-1 Advisory Council
| Department of Justice | Montana Code Annotated | | 18 |
ABLE (achieving a better life experience) Program Oversight Committee
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Accountants, Board of Public *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
ADMIN - Information Technology Managers' Advisory Council
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
ADMIN - State Employee Charitable Giving Campaign Advisory Council
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
ADMIN - State Employee Group Benefits Advisory Council (SEGBAC)
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
ADMIN - Statewide Interoperability Communications Advisory Council
| | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Aeronautics, Board of *
| Department of Transportation | Montana Code Annotated | | 9 |
AG - Montana Hemp Advisory Committee
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
AG - Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
AG - Oilseed Crop Committee Advisory Council
| | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
AG - Organic Commodity Advisory Council, Montana
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
AG - Potato Crop Commodity Advisory Council
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Aging, Governor's Advisory Council on
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 11 |
Agriculture Development Council, Montana (Growth Through Agriculture Program)
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Agriculture Land Valuation Advisory Council
| Department of Revenue | Montana Code Annotated | 1973 | 9 |
Alfalfa Seed Committee, Montana
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 8 |
Alternative Health Care Board *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 8 |
Architects and Landscape Architects, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Arts Council, Montana *
| Montana Arts Council | Montana Code Annotated | | 15 |
Athletic Trainers, Board of
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | 2007 | 5 |
Ballot/Constitutional Initiative Committees
| Secretary of State's Office | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Barbers and Cosmetologists, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | 2003 | 9 |
Behavioral Health System for Future Generations Commission
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | 2023 | 3 |
Behavioral Health, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 11 |
Building Codes Council
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | 1999 | 12 |
Bureau of Land Management Resource Advisory Council (BLM RAC)
| | Other | | 0 |
Burial Preservation Board
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 13 |
Butte Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Restoration Council
| Department of Justice | Montana Code Annotated | 2010 | 3 |
Capitol Complex Advisory Council
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | 1997 | 5 |
Children's Trust Fund, Montana
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Chiropractors, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Coal Board *
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
COM - Small Business Development Advisory Council
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Community Choice School Commission
| Board of Public Education | Montana Code Annotated | 2023 | 1 |
Community Service, Commission on
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | 1993 | 15 |
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' (CSKT or Flathead Reservation) Fish and Wildlife Board
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | 1994 | 3 |
County Printing, Board of *
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Crime Control, Board of *
| Department of Justice | Montana Code Annotated | | 20 |
Criminal Justice Oversight Council, Montana
| Department of Corrections | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Dentistry, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 10 |
Dependency and Neglect Court System Task Force
| Legislative Branch | Montana Code Annotated | 2023 | 7 |
Developmental Disabilities, Montana Council on (MCDD)
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 24 |
DLI - Labor-Management Advisory Council
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
DLI - State Apprenticeship Advisory Council
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
DNRC - Resource Conservation Advisory Council
| Department of Natural Resources and Conservation | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
DOJ - Montana Criminal Intelligence Information Advisory Council (CIIAC)
| Department of Justice | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
DPHHS - Certification Committee for Developmental Disabilities Professionals
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
DPHHS - Montana Early Childhood Advisory Council
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
DPHHS - Montana Health Coalition
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
DPHHS - Native Youth Suicide Reduction Coalition, Montana
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Drought and Water Supply Advisory Committee
| Department of Natural Resources and Conservation | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Education Commission of the States (ECS)
| Board of Public Education | Montana Code Annotated | 2010 | 5 |
Education, Board of Public *
| Board of Public Education | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Educational Opportunity for Military Children, Interstate Commission on
| Office of Public Instruction | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Elder Justice Council, Eastern Montana
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Executive Order | | 10 |
Elder Justice Council, North Central
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Executive Order | | 7 |
Elder Justice Council, South Central
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Executive Order | | 5 |
Elder Justice Council, Western
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Executive Order | | 8 |
Electrical Board, State *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | 1943 | 4 |
Emergency Response Commission (SERC), State
| Department of Military Affairs | Montana Code Annotated | 1993 | 8 |
Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Professional *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 9 |
Environmental Review, Board of *
| Department of Environmental Quality | Montana Code Annotated | 1995 | 7 |
Examiners, Board of
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 3 |
Facility Finance Authority, Montana *
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Family Education Savings Oversight Committee
| Commissioner of Higher Education | Montana Code Annotated | 1997 | 7 |
Family Support Services Advisory Council (FSSAC)
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Executive Order | 1992 | 20 |
Fish and Wildlife Commission *
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Forest Lands Taxation Advisory Committee
| Department of Revenue | Montana Code Annotated | 2011 | 5 |
Funeral Services, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Future Fisheries Review Panel
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | 1995 | 12 |
FWP - Boating Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Classification Review Committee (Exotic Animals)
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Fishing and Hunting License Review
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Madison River Citizen Advisory Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Noxious Weed Management Advisory Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Peregrine Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 1 - Citizens Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 1 - Flathead Anglers Forum
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 1 - Thompson Chain of Lakes Oversight Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 1 - Wildlife Mitigation Advisory Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 2 - Citizen's Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 2 - Spotted Dog Advisory Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 3 - Citizen Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 4 - Citizen's Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 4 - Hunter Education Steering Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 4 - Tiber Fisheries Fund Workgroup
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 4 - Upper Missouri Reservoir Citizen Workgroup
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 5 - Citizen Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 6 - Breaks Elk Working Group
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 6 - Citizen Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Region 7 - Citizens Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Sikes Act Advisory Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Smith River State Park
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Snowmobile Advisory Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - State Trails Advisory Committee
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Upland Game Bird Citizen's Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
FWP - Wetlands Protection Advisory Council
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Geospatial Information Advisory Council
| Library Commission | Montana Code Annotated | 2005 | 17 |
Grass Conservation Commission, Montana
| Department of Natural Resources and Conservation | Montana Code Annotated | 1999 | 5 |
Ground Water Assessment Steering Committee
| Montana University System | Montana Code Annotated | | 4 |
Hail Insurance, Board of *
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Hard-Rock Mining Impact Board *
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Heritage Preservation and Development Commission, Montana
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | 1997 | 9 |
High School Association Executive Board, Montana
| Governor's Office | Montana Code Annotated | | 1 |
Historic Preservation Officer, State
| Historical Society | Montana Code Annotated | | 1 |
Historical Preservation Review Board, State
| Historical Society | Montana Code Annotated | | 9 |
Historical Records Advisory Council
| Historical Society | Executive Order | | 2 |
Historical Society Board of Trustees *
| Historical Society | Montana Code Annotated | | 16 |
Horseracing, Board of *
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Housing, Board of *
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Human Rights, Commission for *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Humanities Montana
| | Other | | 4 |
Information Technology Board
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | 2001 | 17 |
Interagency Coordinating Council for State Prevention Programs
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 11 |
Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision
| Department of Corrections | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Interstate Mining Compact Commission (IMCC)
| Department of Environmental Quality | Other | | 1 |
Invasive Species Council (ISC)
| Department of Natural Resources and Conservation | Montana Code Annotated | 2005 | 22 |
Investments, Board of *
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | | 9 |
Judicial Standards Commission
| Judiciary | Montana Code Annotated | | 2 |
Libby Asbestos Superfund Oversight Committee
| Department of Environmental Quality | Montana Code Annotated | | 1 |
Library Commission, State
| Library Commission | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Livestock Loss Board *
| Department of Livestock | Montana Code Annotated | 2007 | 5 |
Livestock, Montana Board of *
| Department of Livestock | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Lottery and Sports Wagering Commission, State
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Massage Therapy, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | 2009 | 5 |
Medical Examiners, Board of (BOME) *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 13 |
Medical Licensure Compact Commission, Interstate
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 2 |
Mental Disabilities Board of Visitors (MDBoV)
| Governor's Office | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Mental Health Ombudsman
| Governor's Office | Montana Code Annotated | 1999 | 1 |
Milk Control, Board of *
| Department of Livestock | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Montana 250th Commission
| Historical Society | Montana Code Annotated | 2023 | 5 |
Montana Digital Academy
| Montana University System | Other | | 1 |
Montana State Hospital Transition Review Committee
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | 2023 | 5 |
Motorcycle Safety Advisory Commission
| Montana University System | Montana Code Annotated | | 3 |
Northwest Power and Conservation Council *
| Governor's Office | Montana Code Annotated | | 2 |
Nursing Home Administrators, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Nursing, Board of (BON) *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 9 |
Occupational Therapy Practice, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Oil and Gas Compact Commission, Interstate
| Governor's Office | Montana Code Annotated | 2006 | 2 |
Oil and Gas Conservation, Board of *
| Department of Natural Resources and Conservation | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Optometry, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Outfitters, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER)
| Governor's Office | Montana Code Annotated | 2001 | 1 |
Palliative Care Advisory Council
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Pardons and Parole, Board of *
| Department of Corrections | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Parks and Recreation Board, State *
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | 2013 | 5 |
Personnel Appeals, Board of (BOPA) *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 9 |
Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board
| Department of Environmental Quality | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Pharmacy, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Phillips County Transportation Improvement Authority (PTA)
| Department of Transportation | Montana Code Annotated | 2006 | 1 |
Physical Therapy Examiners, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Plumbers, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 8 |
Poet Laureate, Montana
| Montana Arts Council | Montana Code Annotated | 2005 | 1 |
Political Practices, Commissioner of (COPP) *
| Governor's Office | Montana Code Annotated | 1975 | 1 |
Private Land Public Wildlife Advisory Council (PLPW)
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | 1993 | 12 |
Psychologists, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Public Assistance, Board of *
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | 1995 | 3 |
Public Employees' Retirement System Board (PERS) *
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Public Safety Communications System Advisory Council, Statewide
| Department of Justice | Montana Code Annotated | | 9 |
Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council (POST) *
| Department of Justice | Montana Code Annotated | 2007 | 13 |
Pulse Crop Committee, Montana
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 8 |
Radiologic Technologists, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 8 |
Rangeland Resources Committee
| Department of Natural Resources and Conservation | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Real Estate Appraisers, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Realty Regulation, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Regents of Higher Education, Board of *
| Board of Public Education | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Rehabilitation Council, State (SRC)
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 22 |
Reinsurance Association Board of Directors, Montana
| | Montana Code Annotated | | 1 |
Respiratory Care Practitioners, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
Review, Board of
| Department of Revenue | Montana Code Annotated | 2001 | 8 |
Small Business Compliance Assistance Advisory Council
| Department of Environmental Quality | Montana Code Annotated | | 2 |
Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 5 |
State Compensation Insurance Fund Board of Directors (Montana State Fund) *
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 8 |
State Workforce Innovation Board (SWIB), Montana
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | 1999 | 23 |
State-Tribal Economic Development (STED) Commission
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | 1999 | 15 |
Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | 2005 | 15 |
Tax Appeal Board, Montana (MTAB) *
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 3 |
Teachers' Retirement Board (TRS)
| Department of Administration | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Telecommunications Access Services for persons with Disabilities, Committee on
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | | 13 |
TIPMONT (Crimestoppers Board)
| Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks | Montana Code Annotated | | 0 |
Tourism Advisory Council (TAC)
| Department of Commerce | Montana Code Annotated | | 9 |
Transportation Commission *
| Department of Transportation | Montana Code Annotated | 1990 | 6 |
Trauma Care Committee
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | 1996 | 15 |
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBI)
| Department of Public Health and Human Services | Montana Code Annotated | 2004 | 8 |
Underground Facility Protection Advisory Council
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 11 |
Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 4 |
Upper Clark Fork River Basin Remediation and Restoration Adv Coun
| Department of Justice | Executive Order | 1998 | 10 |
Veterans' Affairs, Board of *
| Department of Military Affairs | Montana Code Annotated | | 14 |
Veterinary Medicine, Board of *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | | 6 |
Water and Waste Water Operators Advisory Council
| Department of Environmental Quality | Montana Code Annotated | | 7 |
Water Pollution Control Advisory Council
| Department of Environmental Quality | Montana Code Annotated | | 11 |
Water Well Contractors, Board of *
| Department of Natural Resources and Conservation | Montana Code Annotated | | 4 |
Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE)
| Board of Public Education | Montana Code Annotated | | 3 |
Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB)
| Governor's Office | Montana Code Annotated | | 2 |
Western Montana Conservation Commission (WMCC)
| Department of Natural Resources and Conservation | Other | 2023 | 9 |
Wheat and Barley Committee, Montana
| Department of Agriculture | Montana Code Annotated | | 8 |
Workers' Compensation Judge *
| Department of Labor and Industry | Montana Code Annotated | 2003 | 1 |
Youth Justice Council (YJC)
| Department of Justice | Executive Order | 1993 | 16 |
| Board of Public Education | Executive Order | | 2 |