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Property Tax Task Force Public Comment

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Provided by the State of Montana

On January 11, 2024, Governor Gianforte signed Executive Order No. 1-2024 creating the Governor's Property Tax Task Force. The Governor charged the task force with providing recommendations to reform the property tax system and reduce the burden of property taxes on taxpayers. The bipartisan task force will meet regularly and provide recommendations in a written report to the Governor in August 2024. Recommendations will focus on measures the Legislature can consider and the Governor can sign into law.

Governor Gianforte emphasizes the importance of public comment and participation in this process. The Governor encourages Montanans to provide their input to the task force, and each meeting of the task force will include time for public comment. Montanans may also submit their comments here.

The Comment Form below allows you to submit comments for the Governor's Property Tax Task Force.

Property Tax Task Force Comment Form

Thank you for taking time to share your views with the Governor's Property Tax Task Force. All comments will be reviewed and shared with the task force and made available for public review. Contact info may be shared with the task force members for the purposes of follow up, but it will not be shared with the public.

Please enter an Email and/or Phone Number

We're curious where our stakeholders are based. Please provide your current zip code so we can map responses.

All comments will be reviewed and shared with the Governor's Property Tax Task Force and may be made available for public review. (3,000 character limit)

If you have supporting documents that pertain to your comments, please upload them below. (max file size 10 MB)

Submitted Comments

The Property Tax Task Force map viewer allows you to explore comments and suggestions that were submitted to the task force. Simply explore the map and tap on points to read comments submitted around the state.

For more information visit the Property Tax Task Force website.


This page contains public comments submitted to the Governor's Property Tax Task Force through the online comment portal and does not represent all public views on the issue. This page does not include comments received through other venues such as emails to individual task force members or comments submitted orally at task force meetings. Comments shared on this page do not represent the views of the Governor's Office or any state agency.

Office of Budget and Program Planning

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